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Grace Evangelical Free Church

As you get to know the people of Grace Church, you will find a diverse group of loving and caring people. Our multi-generational Church Family is enriched by the variety of people coming from all walks of life. 

We are excited about what God is doing here within our Church Family and in our own personal lives.  We look forward, with anticipation, to what God is going to do in the future, and we hope you will be a part of our journey in becoming dependent followers of Jesus Christ.  We invite you to join us in what God is doing here at Grace Evangelical Free Church!


“We exist to GLORIFY GOD through joining Him in the reaching of every Man, Woman, and Child with the gospel of GRACE IN JESUS CHRIST, connecting them into A LOVING RELATIONSHIP with God and others so that they will WORSHIP the triune God in their EVERYDAY lives.”



Our VISION is accomplished through God’s GRACE, as we GATHER people together in worship, equip people to GROW as disciples of Jesus, and GO into the world to make disciples, so God is GLORIFIED.


Our Mission is from Matthew 28:16-20


We are a family of missionary servants sent as disciples who make disciples.


A disciple is one who worships Jesus, is being changed by Jesus, who dependently obeys Jesus in all of life, and leads others to do the same.


Discipleship is the process of leading people to increasingly submit all of life to the loving Lordship and empowering presence of Jesus Christ.


We love the Fond du Lac community of which our church is a part. The community offers a great place to live, work, play and raise a family. We recognize that there are needs and concerns within any community, and we value partnering with other churches, service organizations,  and local government agencies to serve our neighbors.

GRACE of God-dependency  
 GATHER to love God & others
  GROW in Christ-likeness
   GO and make disciples
    GLORIFY God in all things

Generational Worship (Psalm 145) — The Bible describes His church as a generational church which means that all the generations are to worship together corporately and be committed to working together for the sake of the gospel. Our corporate worship gatherings must include a focus that is not driven by generational music preferences but by what gives God pleasure, a heart that is owned by Him. Our corporate worship services will include songs from all the generations that give glory to our Great God. By God’s grace, we will worship Him, old and young together.

Prayer Dependency (John 15:1-8)  —  God does His work through us as we pray and obey Him in dependency. By God’s grace, we will be a prayer-saturated church.

Biblical Life Transformation (Acts 17:11)  —  The people of God - through learning how to hear, read, study, memorize, and meditate on God’s Word - will experience life change as they apply God’s Word to their everyday lives. By God’s grace, we will be a Bible-saturated church.

Reaching Unreached Peoples (1 Corinthians 9:19-23 & Revelation 5)  —  We have been called to sacrifice whatever is necessary so that every person in our community, nation, and the world can hear the gospel of grace in Jesus Christ because He is worthy to be worshipped. By God’s grace, we will commit ourselves to reach the unreached peoples of the world.

Living the Exchanged Life (John 5 & 2 Corinthians 5:21 & Galatians 2:20)  --  The great exchange that happened as described in 2 Corinthians 5:21 continues, as we are called to live the exchanged life of Christ living in us and through us (John 15 & Galatians 2:20). To join God in what He has done, and is continuing to do, we must be gospel-centered, so that we can be God-Centered in all of life. God owns it all—it is about Him and what brings Him glory. Anything that is not rooted in Jesus and the gospel leads to death. The gospel leads to life. Jesus is the one who does His work in us and through us, apart from Him we can nothing. The Holy Spirit indwells each believer to empower us to live the life of Jesus (John 14:15-31; Acts 1:8…; Ephesians 5:18). By God’s grace, we will learn to live the exchanged life.

Multiplication In Families & Leaders (Deuteronomy 6 & Matthew 28:18-20 & 2 Timothy 2:2) -- Discipleship that is committed to helping believers invest themselves into the lives of others. This begins in human families but also includes others with whom we have relationships within our everyday lives, thereby multiplying the qualities, character, and priorities of Christ in future generations. This includes ministries in which we are involved that develop leaders who can do what we do. We desire to be unified in our approach to discipleship, so we use Redemptive groups, DNA groups, and Missional Communities to help us disciple. By God’s grace, we will multiply followers of Jesus Christ.


The Evangelical Free Church of America is an association of autonomous churches united around these ten core theological convictions:

God, The Bible, The Human Condition, Jesus Christ, The Work of Christ, The Holy Spirit, The Church, Christian Living, Christ's Return, and Response & Eternal Destiny. You can read more here.


View a personal welcome message from one of our pastors, Grant Baumgart.

Brad Rutherford:        Lead Pastor

Grant Baumgart:        Associate Pastor

Carol Blain:                  Administrative Assistant

Rachel Titel:                 Communications Coordinator

Mark Jopling:               Custodian

Jen Koenigs:                 Custodial Assistant

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