Welcome to Vacation Bible Camp (VBC) at Grace Church!

Don't Miss this Summer Adventure!
Vacation Bible Camp at Grace has a long and rich history. This weeklong "day camp" is one of our longest running ministry opportunities. Each summer, youth and adults come together to create a fun opportunity for kids who have completed 4K through 5th grade. The purpose is to teach them about our loving Heavenly Father, who created them with a specific design and purpose. For many kids in our community it's the highlight of the summer!
Who is VBC for?
Kids who have completed 4K through 5th grade are invited to come take part in this week of fun and learning! Those who have "aged out" are welcome to come volunteer.

What does a week of VBC at Grace include?

The opening is our time to gather and get ready for our morning together. We'll sing our theme song, take up our offering and have a brief lesson and interactive learning time!

Our yearly skit is a highlight for those who come to VBC! The skit team (made up of Grace youth and adults) work hard to bring the story to life!

Kiddos are put into groups or classes that travel to the different stations together. These groups are separated by grade/age, and are led by team leaders & assistants who get to know the kids and "travel with them" during the week.

Who doesn't love a tasty snack!? This time to refuel is filled with a brief lesson and fun interaction related to our theme.

A time to run & play! The game team always has lots of fun activities for all of the different age groups.

Crafts are another highlight for many. Each day includes a fun activity that is also a reminder of all the things we're learning together during our time at Vacation Bible Camp.

Our classroom time is filled with lots of engaging activities! Daily lessons correspond to our theme for the day, and together we memorize scripture verses.

Get those voices ready to sing! During music time we learn a variety of thematic songs and sing together. They help us remember all the scripture truths from the Bible we've learned throughout the week!

Our closing is the end of our morning together. We may sing another song and share some quick announcements before we head out for the day.
Plans for Vacation Bible Camp 2025 are in the works. Stay tuned for a sneak peek of the theme & event dates!
Watch our highlight video from
"The Great Jungle Journey"
by clicking below